Lamb and scotch haggis hotpot

lamb and scotch haggis hotpot with ayrshire new potatoes

Serves 2

Equipment Focus

This recipe was produced with the I91105C Induction Range. Find out more here.

A few Features and Benefits – Induction Range

  • Very safe and easy to work on.
  • Reduces kitchen temperatures making the working environment more manageable and enjoyable.
  • Precision temperature control giving the user chef optimal management of the cooking processes being undertaking.
  • With the incorporation of a fan assisted convection oven into the range, the unit becomes an extremely versatile piece of equipment.
  • Which in turn offers the kitchen unparalleled flexibility. 
  • Superfast to clean, meaning no unnecessary time wasted spending hours to clean down kitchen and equipment. 



300g British Red Tractor Assured Lamb Mince
100g Haggis 
½  Onion
1 x Shallot
1 x Clove Garlic
150g Turnip
50g Freshly podded Peas
1 x Carrot
50g Sweet Potatoes
50g Leek
300ml of Lamb Stock
50g Fresh Garden Peas
10g Mint
30g Fresh Garden Kale
300g Scotty Brand New Potatoes
3g Salt and Pepper
pinch Nutmeg
30 ml Olive Oil
½ Lemon


Hot Pot

  • Wash, dry and peel all the raw ingredients.
  • Add a bit of olive oil to a casserole dish and heat it up. Sweat off half of the diced onion and the diced shallot until soft.
  • Add the lamb mince and sweat it for a few minutes.
  • Add the sliced garlic and diced turnip to the saucepan and sweat for 5 minutes while stirring throughout.
  • Then add the diced carrot, diced sweet potatoes and diced leek. 
  • Then add 300ml of lamb stock and crumble the haggis in. Allow the mixture to reduce slowly under a lid, until no liquid is left.
  • Once the hotpot has reduced, add the peas and mint leaves. Stir through until the peas are just cooked.



  • Shape the potatoes, then lightly par-boil in salted water.
  • Drain the potatoes then add sea salt, pepper, nutmeg and a drizzle of olive oil. Mix.
  • Roast in an oven at 220°C for around 15 minutes.



  • While the liquid is reducing, pan fry the other half of the turnip, cut in decorative shapes, in plenty of olive oil and butter, salt and pepper. Towards the end of cooking, add kale leaves to the pan with extra butter and the juice of ½ a lemon. Fry for a further couple of minutes.



  • Select a suitable dish or crockery, plate up and serve at once.
  • Enjoy!


Chef’s Tips

  • It is important to use lamb mince with a moderate percentage of fat, or the dish will be too rich.
  • Use a slicing haggis for this dish.
  • Cooking long and slow with frequent monitoring is best practice.



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